Database of Water Governance Instruments
The Diagnostic Water
Governance can be defined as the various institutionalised modes of social coordination to produce and implement collectively binding rules, or to provide collective goods (Börzel & Risse, 2010,p. 114).
Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2010). Governance Without a State: Can It Work? Regulation & Governance, 4(2), 113–134.
Tool contains a list of currently 66 instruments to enhance water . Governance experts of the STEER project have carefully selected and evaluated these instruments. Below you can find a factsheet for each instrument that provides key information and gives examples for its successful application in practice. When you have entered information about your case study, you will find tailor-made recommendations for instruments to improve in the therapy section of this tool.
Fact sheet #1: Benchmarks
Fact sheet #2: Blue Services
Fact sheet #3: Concession Unit
Fact sheet #5: Intersectoral and inter-municipal coordinating Committee
Fact sheet #7: Inter-ministerial committee under one sectoral ministry
Fact sheet #10: Multi-level governance contract
Fact sheet #12: National Water Council
Fact sheet #13: Payments to private parties (PPP)
Fact sheet #15: Public Private Partnership Unit
Fact sheet #16: Regulatory impact analysis
Fact sheet #17: Reporting requirements
Fact sheet #18: Results-based financing mechanism
Fact sheet #19: River basin organisation
Fact sheet #20: Scientific Committee
Fact sheet #22: Groundwater users associations
Fact sheet #23: Citizen boards
Fact sheet #24: Water agency
Fact sheet #25: Water Resources Planning Office
Fact sheet #26: Inter-agency programmes
Fact sheet #28: Co-ordination group of experts
Fact sheet #29: Line ministry with specific water prerogatives
Fact sheet #30: Regulations for sharing roles between levels of government
Fact sheet #32: Contractual arrangements
Fact sheet #33: Financial transfers/funds
Fact sheet #34: Performance measurement and indicators
Fact sheet #35: Shared databases and water information systems
Fact sheet #36: Citizen engagement
Fact sheet #37: Innovation programme with private sector for sharing water data
Fact sheet #39: Targets
Fact sheet #40: Cooperatively organised water board
Fact sheet #41: Development plan for blue infrastructure (master plan)
Fact sheet #42: Working group for urban and regional planning
Fact sheet #43: Intermunicipial exchange increasing urban water retention
Fact sheet #44: Ecological supervision of construction measures
Fact sheet #45: Flood risk management plans
Fact sheet #49: Regulation on protection of water protection areas
Fact sheet #50: Regulation on water withdrawal fees
Fact sheet #51: Regulation on limits for groundwater pollutants
Fact sheet #52: National Water Programme
Fact sheet #53: Water Pollution Law
Fact sheet #54: Inspection Law
Fact sheet #55: River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) guideline
Fact sheet #56: Natural resource use fees
Fact sheet #57: Environmental Impact Assessments
Fact sheet #58: Operation Boards
Fact sheet #59: Joint financing and realization of hydraulic works
Fact sheet #61: Transfer of water rights through permit exchange centers
Fact sheet #62: Hierarchy of priorities/preferences for water allocation
Fact sheet #63: National Water Act
Fact sheet #64: National Environmental Management Act
Fact sheet #65: Catchment Management Agency
Fact sheet #66: Water use licenses