The Diagnostic Water

Governance can be defined as the various institutionalised modes of social coordination to produce and implement collectively binding rules, or to provide collective goods (Börzel & Risse, 2010,p. 114).

Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2010). Governance Without a State: Can It Work? Regulation & Governance, 4(2), 113–134.

Tool contains a list of case studies.


Case study #2: Guadalquivir basin
Case study #6: Kharaa-Yeroo basin
Case study #12: Aalborg municipality
Case study #19: Greater uMngeni basin
Case study #35: Saiss aquifer
Case study #45: Zayandeh Rud basin
Case study #48: Jucar basin
Case study #51: Berrechid aquifer
Case study #73: Outapi town
Case study #76: Enschede municipality
Case study #79: Rio Doce basin
Case study #82: Karoun basin
Case study #95: Quill Lakes basin
Case study #100: Lake Urmia basin
Case study #104: Okanagan basin