

Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH
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Terms of use/external offers

The links present on these web pages to content on the websites of third parties (‘third-party content’) have been created by the editors to the best of their knowledge and with the greatest possible care, and merely provide access to third-party content. In doing so, particular attention was paid to the trustworthiness of third-party providers as well as the legality of the third-party content. However, because the content of websites is dynamic and can change at any time, constant monitoring of all content for which a link was created is not possible in every case. The editors have no influence on third-party content of linked third-party websites and accepts no liability for it. Only the provider or operator of the respective website is responsible for the content of linked websites. The editors therefore expressly do not claim third-party content as their own. Only the respective provider of the website to which was linked is liable for damage resulting from the use or non-use of third-party content. If made aware of violations, the editors will immediately remove any such links. Please inform us if you determine that the reference or the content to which is linked is not correct, up to date or otherwise objectionable. The attachment of links with references to the content of the website requires the prior consent of the editors.


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Trademark obligation

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