Factsheet #55
River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) guideline
#55: River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) guideline
The aim of an RBMP guideline is to help develop the integrated water resource management plan for a given river basin, so that it is up to date regarding science, technical progress and socio-economic development in the river basin, and that it is coordinated with relevant laws and policies.
The RBMP guideline defines the responsibilities for implementation, the content requirements for RBMPs and the coordination requirements with different actors. The guideline addresses public sector actors in charge of developing and implementing RBMPs.
Example: The River Basin Management Plan Guideline in Mongolia
In Mongolia, a River Basin Management Plans guideline leads the development of integrated
Water management refers to the activities of analysing and monitoring water resources, as well as developing and implementing measures to keep the state of a water resource within what has been negotiated as desirable bounds (Pahl-Wostl, 2015).
Pahl-Wostl, C. (2015). Water Governance in the Face of Global Change—From Understanding to Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer International Publishing.
plans, so that they are up to date and take into consideration the socio-economic of the respective river basin. The content of the guideline is consistent with provisions found in the water law and the general principles of the national water program.Source
Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Green Development (2013). Integrated Water Management Plan Mongolia. http://extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/mon169789.pdf Retrieved: 24 September 2020