Factsheet #21

National strategies and programmes to coordinate water and other policy areas

Instrument Type


Governance Level


Governance Mode


Water management topics addressed

Drought & water scarcity
Water abstraction for irrigation and other economic activities
Water quality issues due to nutrient pollution
Water quality issues: Other reasons

Implementation requirements

Financial capacity


Human capacity


Political buy-in


Timeframe for implementation


#21: National strategies and programmes to coordinate water and other policy areas


National Strategies take efforts to coordinate water and sectoral policies that are carried out through strategies and programs at the ministerial level. The ministries involved can vary.


Strategies can be designed and developed. They can be developed with a specific focus e.g. water scarcity or green infrastructure, and with a specific group of institutions. They can also represent a vision which should be incorporated within different sectoral policies.

Example: The national Plan for Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh

Bangladesh suffers from groundwater contamination by arsenic, a problem that was firstly identified in the 1980’s. During the 1990’s and in 2004, a large plan for scale testing was founded under the title of National policy for Arsenic Mitigation. The program aims at lowering the standard of arsenic concentration to 10üg/L and, to this end, it carries the screening and monitoring of all tube wells, in order to detect and identify those contaminated by arsenic pollution. Arsenic laden sludge is then disposed and possible new groundwater supply sources are searched and tested. In order to mitigate the problem, awareness campaign are conducted to inform population and piped water supply is promoted as an alternative to tube wells in those area that are identified as polluted.


Manzurul Hassan M. (2018). Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment, CRC Press (p. 226).

OECD (2012). Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. OECD Studies on water. (p. 76ff) http://www.oecd.org/gov/water-governance-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean-9789264174542-en.htm Retrieved on 22 September 2020.