Factsheet #5

Intersectoral and inter-municipal coordinating Committee

Instrument Type


Governance Level


Governance Mode


Water management topics addressed

Drought & water scarcity
Water abstraction for irrigation and other economic activities
Water quality issues due to nutrient pollution
Water quality issues: Other reasons

Implementation requirements

Financial capacity


Human capacity


Political buy-in


Timeframe for implementation


#5: Intersectoral and inter-municipal coordinating Committee


An Inter-sectoral/inter-municipal coordinating Committee includes representatives of a broad spectrum and provides coordination and advice.


Such a committee provides coordination and advice on topics related to: 
-the implementation of measures / plans, including types of measures to be implemented, 
-progress of implementation, 
-advice related to problems encountered during implementation, 
-required amendments / reviews of the plan.
Its aim is to address water-related challenges by providing advice concerning the coordination and implementation of plans. By the formation of a committee consisting of members from all kinds of backgrounds, a plan to be implemented can be discussed from different perspectives. Members of the committee could be e.g. municipalities and provinces, aboriginal communities, conservation authorities, relevant economic sectors (e.g. agriculture, industry), interest groups, broad public.

Example: The commission for intersectoral coordination for the Lagune del Sauce Basin in Uruguay

The Lagune del Sauce Basin Commission brings together different actors, such as users, regulatory agencies, political bodies, different levels of government, that are related to the management of the Laguna del Sauce, the second-largest source for drinking water in Uruguay. Concerns about the accelerating process of eutrophication and the attendant interferences in the system of water supply led to the establishment of the Commission. The Commission substantially acts to ensure and facilitate inter-institutional coordination and at the same time encourage the involvement of key users. The creation of such an institutional environment also aims to foster the understanding of how opposing interests of stakeholders can coexist in a socio-ecological system.


SARAS (2010). Adaptive Management if Laguna del Sauce and its associated basin
http://saras-institute.org/adaptive-management-of-laguna-del-sauce-and-its-associated-basin/ Retrieved on 24 September 2020

OECD (2015) Water Resources Governance in Brazil. OECD Studies on Water https://www.oecd.org/gov/water-resources-governance-in-brazil-9789264238121-en.htm Retrieved on 24 September 2020