Case Study #5
Greater Bangalore Metropolitan Region

#5: Greater Bangalore Metropolitan Region
There is a lack of coordination between farmers and the government and research organizations. Main actors are farmers, government (state government, city administration, rural/village administration, minor irrigation department; Pollution regulating agency: Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, which are supposed to regulate industrial and domestic pollution), judiciary, para-statal organizations (Bangalore water supply and sewerage board, Bangalore Development Authority, Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation), NGOs, and research organizations. Reasons for the challenge is increased unplanned development and expansion of the city of Bangalore, mainly since the 2000's. Coordination exists between NGOs and research organizations on the one hand and government on the other hand (policy formulation, lobbying, …). The Ministry for Water Resources adopted a Waste Water Policy in 2017/18. It is still too early to see effects concerning the quality of urban sewage.