Case Study #48

Jucar basin

The Lippe catchment is characterized by agricultural land use, which is to be harmonize with the ecological development of the Lippe river and its tributaries. These are being restored in a large-scale restoration program, agricultural land is partly turned back into floodplains and the rivers is given more space. (copyright: Lippeverband, Rupert Oberhäuser)

Governance Level


Water management topics addressed

Water abstraction for irrigation and other economic activities

#48: Jucar basin


The main challenge is to reduce agricultural water consumption  in a river basin characterized by scarce water resources. Therefore, irrigation systems have been modernized in the last decade to increase their efficiency. Even though water levels did not significantly decrease, consumption could be held constant and no rebound effect occurred in contrast to other Spanish river basins. One reason might be local coordination efforts of voluntary agreements with a major irrigation community to divert saved water into a natural park, and therefore use the water for environmental purposes.