Case Study #102
Petorca and La Ligua basins - in the communes of La Ligua, Cabildo, and Petorca
#102: Petorca and La Ligua basins - in the communes of La Ligua, Cabildo, and Petorca
The province of Petorca has been facing an ongoing water scarcity causing problems of distribution and welfare. This has led to a conflict between citizens, small- and large-scale farmers, and water providers. Besides climate change, the expansion of large-scale agriculture of avocado and citruses as well as a lack of regulative power and compliance assurance challenge . Besides the traditional water users’ organizations for agricultural water and potable water, coordinating approaches in Petorca are voluntary water round tables, governmental programs to advise small-scale farmers on less-water intensive farming strategies, and the establishment of a monitoring system build by the users at river basin scale (Junta de Vigilancia). Nevertheless, most of those coordination approaches show low participation by the actors.