Case Study #82
Karoun basin

#82: Karoun basin
Raw human sewage and some treated wastewater is dumped into a flowing body of water. The drinking water has no proper taste. Ahvaz Water and Wastewater Company is in charge of supplying drinking water and wastewater collection and treatment as an agent of the Ministry of Water. The Khouzestan Department of the Environment is in charge of water pollution monitoring and river ecosystem management as an agent of the Iranian Department of the Environment. The Khouzestan Water and Energy Organization is in charge of acquaintance, study, development, safe-guarding, optimum utilization of water resources, hydro-electric power generation, construction, development, operation, and maintenance of water-related and hydroelectric structures within the framework of duties mentioned in related rules and policies of the Ministry of Water. The main instrument for coordination is traditional input-oriented financial management and entities for collective decision-making (several councils and working groups)