Factsheet #48

Law on Financial Aid for the Cooperative Protection of Drinking Water Production Areas

Instrument Type


Governance Level


Governance Mode


Water management topics addressed

Water quality issues due to nutrient pollution
Water quality issues: Other reasons

Implementation requirements

Financial capacity


Human capacity


Political buy-in


Timeframe for implementation


#48: Law on Financial Aid for the Cooperative Protection of Drinking Water Production Areas


The law established (a close) cooperation between the land managers and water supply companies. The objective of the cooperation model is to secure and improve the quality of groundwater as a source of drinking water supply.


The law includes protection concepts based on objectives, voluntary agreements and water protection consulting. It provides financial aid for the protection concepts and requires reporting.

Example: ordinance on Financial Aid for the Cooperative Protection of Drinking Water Production Areas in Lower Saxony, Germany

The ordinance on Financial Aid for the Cooperative Protection of Drinking Water Production Areas in the Lower Saxony (Germany) establishes a tight cooperation between water supply companies and those responsible for the management of the land. The objective of such cooperation is to secure and enhance the quality of groundwater as a source of drinking water. A direct channel for consultation on water protection matters is established and the implementation of protection plans is supported by financial aid. At the same time, maintenance of high quality for the water sources by water suppliers is incentivized through the provision of sanctions/monetary contributions in the event of detection of non-indifferent nitrate concentration in the raw waters.


STEER (2019). Assessment of variables in the five in-depth case studies of the STEER project. Internal Report. (p. 620)

Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment (2007) Ordinance on financial aid for the cooperative protection of drinking water abstraction areas (FHkoopSchTrinkWGebV) http://www.nds-voris.de/jportal/?quelle=jlink&query=FHkoopSchTrinkWGebV+ND&psml=bsvorisprod.psml&max=true Retrieved on 22 September 2020