Factsheet #47

Law on the use of fertilisers, soil additives, growing media and plant additives

Instrument Type


Governance Level


Governance Mode


Water management topics addressed

Water quality issues due to nutrient pollution

Implementation requirements

Financial capacity


Human capacity


Political buy-in


Timeframe for implementation


#47: Law on the use of fertilisers, soil additives, growing media and plant additives


The law regulates good practice in the use of fertilisers, soil additives, growing media and plant additives on agricultural land and the reduction of material risks through the use of these substances.


The law should define upper limits for applied amount of total nitrogen per hectar and year. It requires determination of fertiliser requirement for each crop/management unit to which significant quantities of nutrients are applied.

Example: The ordinance on the placing on the Market and Transport of Farm Manure in Germany

In order to verify compliance with the law on fertilizers, the ordinance on the placing on the Market and Transport of Farm Manure in Germany empowers the regional State governments (Länder) to strengthen the regulation on the monitoring, the reporting and the storage obligations related to the placing on the market of farm manure as well as to substances containing it.


STEER (2019). Assessment of variables in the five in-depth case studies of the STEER project. Internal Report (p. 574).

Federal Office of Justice (2009)Ordinance on the placing on the market and transport of farm manure (WDüngV) https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/wd_ngv/ Retrieved on 22 September 2020