Factsheet #46

Regional planning processs including spatial planning, open space and infrastructure planning

Instrument Type


Governance Level


Governance Mode


Water management topics addressed

Drought & water scarcity
Water abstraction for irrigation and other economic activities
Water quality issues due to nutrient pollution
Water quality issues: Other reasons

Implementation requirements

Financial capacity


Human capacity


Political buy-in


Timeframe for implementation


#46: Regional planning processs including spatial planning, open space and infrastructure planning


Regional planning and the development of regional plans has the objective to set the regional objectives, planning priorities and measures for spatial planning in a certain region.


It is an integrative planning process which targets beside spatial planning nature protection and landscape conservation as well. It defines areas for settlement, regional commerce and industry areas, open space and nature conservation areas. Also the development of transport infrastructure needs to be included.

Example: Regional development plan for the administrative district of Arnsberg, Germany

The Regional development plan for the administrative district of Arnsberg (Germany) is divided into further sub-sections, e.g. the "upper area Dortmund - western part - (Dortmund/district Unna/Hamm)" section. This plan defines regional objectives of spatial planning and regional planning for the administrative districts and for all planning and measures of spatial significance of the 2001 Federal Regional Planning Act. It also presents regional requirements and measures to implement nature conservation and landscape management and has the function of a landscape structure plan. It also prioritises the development of  a coherent settlement structure, including the further development of a coherent open space system. Furthermore, the safeguarding and development of the special natural area potential, taking into account respective biodiversity protection areas, is of central importance in the Plan.


Regionalverabnd Ruhr (2004). Regionalplan Arnsberg - Teilabschnitt Oberbereich Dortmund - westlicher Teil.
https://www.rvr.ruhr/fileadmin/user_upload/01_RVR_Home/02_Themen/Regionalplanung_Entwicklung/DO_westl_Teil_AEnderungen/03_Textliche_Festlegungen/textliche_darstellung_DO_westlicher_Teil.pdf Retrieved 24 September 2020.